POST api/institutions/lead-save
The Host and Post service is located at . The posting service can be called using simple HTTP POST, and will return an JSON-formatted response indicating the success or failure of the partner’s submission, along with details if applicable. The Request must include all the required key-value pairs defined by the API’s method.
Request Information
URI Parameters
Body Parameters
Name | Description | Type |
AdditionalQuestions |
Additional prospect data, if available. |
Collection of QuestionAnswer |
Address |
Address |
string |
APIKey |
Required | Partner Credentials. This value will be provided by the EDDY Account Management team. |
globally unique identifier |
CampusId |
Campus Id. |
integer |
City |
Required | City. |
string |
Country |
Required | Two-character country code, e.g., "US". |
string |
Required | Email address. |
string | |
FirstName |
Required | First name. |
string |
HighestLevelofEducationCompleted |
Id of the highest level of education completed. We only accept the string value i.e., "2". Accepted Values: [{"Value": "2", "Text": "G.E.D."}, {"Value": "3", "Text": "High School Diploma"}, {"Value": "4", "Text": "Some College ,1-29 Credits"}, {"Value": "5", "Text": "Some College, 30-59 Credits"}, {"Value": "6", "Text": "Some College,60-89 Credits"}, {"Value": "7", "Text": "Some College, 90+ Credits"}, {"Value": "8", "Text": "Associate"}, {"Value": "9", "Text": "Bachelor"}, {"Value": "10", "Text": "Master"}, {"Value": "11", "Text": "Doctorate"}, {"Value": "1", "Text": "Haven't completed High School"}]. |
string |
LastName |
Required | Last name. |
string |
Phone |
Required | Phone number. |
string |
PostalCode |
Required | Postal code or Zip code. |
string |
ProgramId |
Required | | Program Id. |
integer |
SourceCode |
Required when EMS Partner. |
string |
State |
Required | Two-character US state abbreviation, e.g., "NJ". |
string |
UserAgreement |
Required | TCPA info |
string |
Request Format
Conten-Type: application/json
{ "apiKey": "XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX", "firstName": "Testfirst", "lastname": "Testlast", "Address": "801 test Corner Ct", "city": "Green Bay", "postalcode": "55555", "state": "WI", "country": "US", "Email": "", "Phone": "5555555555", "ProgramId": 7243, "CampusId": 4919, "HighestLevelofEducationCompleted": "9", "SourceCode": "STUDY-UG", "AdditionalQuestions": [{"QuestionKey":"RNLicense","QuestionValue":"Yes"},{"QuestionKey":"UTMVendor","QuestionValue":"UTMVendorValue"},{"QuestionKey":"UTMCampaign","QuestionValue":"UTMCampaignValue"},{"QuestionKey":"UTMChannel","QuestionValue":"UTMChannelValue"}], "UserAgreement":"I agree to the user Agreement" }
Response Information
Successfully saved leads will return with a "IsSuccessful" flag value as "true". The below is an example of a successfully saved lead. { "IsSuccessful": true, "Body": { "UID": "xxx-xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", "LeadTier": 0 }, "ResponseDateTime": "2017-01-30T10:06:18.5930446-05:00", "RequestDateTime": "2017-01-30T10:05:14.7594556-05:00", "ResponseGuid": "1b99830e-6bdf-48be-9a51-97a79f5a5003", "Messages": [ { "MessageCode": "msg0038", "Message": "Validation Passed." } ], "TotalResponseTime": 120 } Unsuccessfully saved leads will return with a "IsSuccessful" flag value as "false" The "Messages" portion of the return body will also include one or more validation messages as to why the lead failed to save. The below is an example of an unsuccessfully saved lead. { "IsSuccessful": false, "Body": null, "ResponseDateTime": "2019-06-04T13:28:05.8561884-04:00", "RequestDateTime": "2019-06-04T13:28:03.4897363-04:00", "ResponseGuid": "a204e540-c53f-45bc-a92e-200f802149dd", "Messages": [ { "MessageCode": "msg0009", "Message": "Exception occurred." } ], "TotalResponseTime": 2366 }