POST api/directory/programmatches
This method returns a list of matching programs for the user data submitted.
Request Information
URI Parameters
Body Parameters
Name | Description | Type |
AdditionalQuestions |
Additional prospect data, if available. |
Collection of QuestionAnswer |
Age |
Age. |
integer |
AlternatePhone |
Optional | Alternate phone number. |
string |
APIKey |
Required | Partner Credentials. This value will be provided by the EDDY Account Management team. |
globally unique identifier |
CategoryIds |
Category(s) Comma-delimited list of CategoryIds. |
Collection of integer |
City |
Required | City name. |
string |
Country |
Required | Two-character country code, e.g., "US". |
string |
DesiredStartDate |
Desired start date. We only accept the string value i.e., "Immediately". Accepted Values: [{"Value": "Immediately", "Text": "Immediately"}, {"Value": "1-3 Months", "Text":"1-3 Months"}, {"Value":"4-6 Months", "Text": "4-6 Months"}, {"Value": "7-12 Months", "Text": "7-12 Months"}, {"Value": "More than 1 Year", "Text": "More than 1 Year"}, {"Value": "Not Sure", "Text": "Not Sure"}] |
string |
Required | Email address. |
string | |
FirstName |
Required | First name. |
string |
HighestLevelofEducationCompleted |
Id of the highest level of education completed. We only accept the string value i.e., "2". Accepted Values: [{"Value": "2", "Text": "G.E.D."}, {"Value": "3", "Text": "High School Diploma"}, {"Value": "4", "Text": "Some College ,1-29 Credits"}, {"Value": "5", "Text": "Some College, 30-59 Credits"}, {"Value": "6", "Text": "Some College,60-89 Credits"}, {"Value": "7", "Text": "Some College, 90+ Credits"}, {"Value": "8", "Text": "Associate"}, {"Value": "9", "Text": "Bachelor"}, {"Value": "10", "Text": "Master"}, {"Value": "11", "Text": "Doctorate"}, {"Value": "1", "Text": "Haven't completed High School"}]. |
string |
IncludeAdditionalProgramQuestions |
Include Program additional questions. Accepted values: True, False. |
boolean |
LastName |
Required | Last name. |
string |
LeadIdToken |
Required | The ID provided by Jornaya LeadiD. |
string |
LeadInitiatingUrl |
Required | Valid URL where the lead was initiated (Initiating URL). |
string |
LeadSourceUrl |
Required | Valid URL where the lead was generated (Landing URL). |
string |
MilitaryAffiliation |
Military Affiliation Id. We only accept the string value i.e., "126". Accepted Values: [{"Value": "126", "Text": "NoMilitaryAffiliation"}, {"Value": "101", "Text": "AF-ActiveDuty(AD)"}, {"Value": "105", "Text": "AF-Civilian"}, {"Value": "102", "Text": "AF-SelectiveReserve(SR)"}, {"Value": "103", "Text": "AF-SpouseofADorSR"}, {"Value": "104", "Text": "AF-Veteran"}, {"Value": "106", "Text": "AR-ActiveDuty(AD)"}, {"Value": "110", "Text": "AR-Civilian"}, {"Value": "107", "Text": "AR-SelectiveReserve(SR)"}, {"Value": "108", "Text": "AR-SpouseofADorSR"}, {"Value": "109", "Text": "AR-Veteran"}, {"Value": "111", "Text": "CG-ActiveDuty(AD)"}, {"Value": "115", "Text": "CG-Civilian"}, {"Value": "112", "Text": "CG-SelectiveReserve(SR)"}, {"Value": "113", "Text": "CG-SpouseofADorSR"}, {"Value": "114", "Text": "CG-Veteran"}, {"Value": "116", "Text": "MC-ActiveDuty(AD)"}, {"Value": "120", "Text": "MC-Civilian"}, {"Value": "117", "Text": "MC-SelectiveReserve(SR)"}, {"Value": "118", "Text": "MC-SpouseofADorSR"}, {"Value": "119", "Text": "MC-Veteran"}, {"Value": "121", "Text": "NV-ActiveDuty(AD)"}, {"Value": "125", "Text": "NV-Civilian"}, {"Value": "122", "Text": "NV-SelectiveReserve(SR)"}, {"Value": "123", "Text": "NV-SpouseofADorSR"}, {"Value": "124", "Text": "NV-Veteran"}]. |
string |
PageSize |
Required | Number of records per page. |
integer |
Phone |
Required | Phone number. |
string |
PostalCode |
Required | Postal code or Zip code. |
string |
Prefix |
Prefix or title, e.g., "Mrs.", "Mr.", "Ms.". |
string |
ProgramLevelId |
We only accept the string value i.e. "2". Accepted Values: { "ProgramLevelId": 2,"ProgramLevelName": "Associate"},{ "ProgramLevelId": 3,"ProgramLevelName": "Bachelor"},{ "ProgramLevelId": 22,"ProgramLevelName": "Diploma"},{"ProgramLevelId": 8,"ProgramLevelName": "Master"},{"ProgramLevelId": 18,"ProgramLevelName": "Undergraduate Certificate"} |
integer |
SpecialtyIds |
Specialty(s) Comma-delimited list of SpecialtyIds. |
Collection of integer |
SS1 |
Sub affiliate. |
string |
SS2 |
BPO Company Name. |
string |
StartPage |
Required | Start page. |
integer |
State |
Required | Two-character US state abbreviation, e.g., "NJ". |
string |
SubjectIds |
Subject(s) Comma-delimited list of SubjectIds. |
Collection of integer |
USCitizen |
Is a Citizen of the United States. Accepted values: "Yes", "No". |
string |
YearHighestEducationCompleted |
Year Highest Education was completed. |
integer |
Request Format
Conten-Type: application/json
{ "apiKey": "XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX", "CategoryIds": [25], "active": true, "firstName": "Testfirst", "lastname": "Testlast", "prefix": "Mr.", "Address": "801 test Corner Ct", "Address2": "apt a", "city": "Green Bay", "postalcode": "55555", "state": "WI", "country": "US", "Email": "", "Phone": "5555555555", "AlternatePhone": "5555555555", "Age": "21", "YearHighestEducationCompleted": "1978", "HighestLevelofEducationCompleted": "9", "MilitaryAffiliation": "126", "DesiredStartDate": "Immediately", "ProgramLevelId": 2, "leadIdToken" : "XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX", "USCitizen": "Yes", "SubjectIds": [658], "SpecialtyIds": [2], "IncludeAdditionalProgramQuestions": true, "ProgramId": 7243, "AffiliateId": "", "StartPage": 1, "PageSize": 10, "LeadSourceUrl": "" "LeadInitiatingUrl": "" "SS1": "Sub affiliate", "SS2": "BPO Company Name", "AdditionalQuestions": [{"QuestionKey":"RNLicense","QuestionValue":"Yes"}] }
Response Information
{ "IsSuccessful": true, "Body": { "StartPage": 1, "PageSize": 10, "TotalItems": 4, "TotalPages": 1, "ItemList": [ { "MatchedInstitution": { "InstitutionId": 444, "InstitutionName": "University of Saint Mary", "InstitutionDescription":"Description of institution", "LogoURL": "http://logo.educationdynamics.local/444/Logo_240x80.gif" }, "MatchedPrograms": [ { "ProgramId": 2698, "ProgramName": "RN to Bachelor of Science in Nursing", "EstimatedRevShare": 9.60, "AdditionalQuestions": [ { "Label": "GPA for highest level of education", "Name": "GPA", "Rules": [ { "RuleName": "GPA 3.0 Minimum", "RuleValue": 3, "FieldName": "GPA" } ], "InputType": "Drop-Down", "FormTemplateFieldOptions": [ { "OptionValue": "Less than 2.0", "OptionText": "Less than 2.0", }, { "OptionValue": "2.0-2.4", "OptionText": "2.0-2.4", }, { "OptionValue": "2.5-2.74", "OptionText": "2.5-2.74", }, { "OptionValue": "2.75-2.9", "OptionText": "2.75-2.9", }, { "OptionValue": "3.0-3.4", "OptionText": "3.0-3.4", }, { "OptionValue": "3.5 or Higher", "OptionText": "3.5 or Higher", } ] } ] } ] } ] } ] }, "ResponseDateTime": "2017-01-23T17:10:54.9066218-05:00", "RequestDateTime": "2017-01-23T17:10:38.9139773-05:00", "ResponseGuid": "ac82298a-c54b-4a62-9de0-c8de442803a5", "Messages": [ { "MessageCode": "msg0038", "Message": "Validation Passed." } ], "TotalResponseTime": 240 }